UWDFIF(UW)                                             UWDFIF(UW)

       uwdfif  -  package  for  high  level access to UW-1/2 data

       #include "uwdfif.h"
       Functions starting with UWDFdh... pass data  to/from  UW-1
       style master header block.
       Functions  starting  with UWDFch... pass data to/from UW-2
       style channel header blocks.

       Channel names for UW-1 format can contain up  to  5  arbi-
       trary characters.  There are no component flags or channel
       ID's in UW-1 data.  UW-2 data files can have channel names
       of  up to 7 arbitrary characters.  Channel component flags
       for UW-2 are by convention 3 characters following the nam-
       ing  conventions described by the SEED manual, Appendix A.
       Typical examples are:      SHZ - short period, high  gain,
       vertical  component       SHN  -  short period, high gain,
       north component      BHE - broadband, high gain, east com-
       ponent  Channel  ID's  are basically user assignable, with
       the exception of the following  convention.   Analog  time
       channels  have  a descriptive channel name such as WWVB or
       TCG (time code generator).  Since channel names  typically
       have  no  significance,  the component flag TIM is used to
       designate analog time channels.  Since more than one  time
       channel  may be present, the channel ID strings 0, 1, etc.
       are used to prioritize time channels so that  applications
       software  such  as xped may preferably display one or more
       time channels for reference.

       New data files are always written  in  UW-2  format  only.
       The writing process is sequential only, so a general order
       for function calls must be followed.  First the  new  data
       file  must  be  initialized  for writing with the function
       UWDFinit_for_new_write().  This function initializes  pro-
       totype  structures for both master header, and for channel
       headers.  The channel headers are changed for each channel
       by  altering  the prototype before each channel is written
       out.  Either the master header prototype  or  the  channel
       header prototype may be set by (a) duplicating from a cur-
       rently read data  file/channel  or  (b)  setting  critical
       fields  by  calls  to functions such as UWDFset...  When a
       channel is actually written, the header for  that  channel
       is  frozen  using  whatever  data is in the channel header

       Before writing any channel data,  a  master  header  block
       (structure)  must  be initialized and then written for the
       new data file through the use of several functions.  If  a
       UW1/2  style  data  file  is  currently read, then you can
       duplicate  the  master  header  from   that   file   using
       UWDFdup_masthead().   If no UW1/2 file has been read, then
       fields in the master header must be  set  using  calls  to
       UWDFset_dh...().   In  any event, for master header values
       that must be specified, calls  to  the  appropriate  UWDF-
       set_dh...()  must be used.  The master header is the first
       block of data actually written and this  is  done  through
       the function: UWDFwrite_new_head().

       Following  the writing of the master header block, sequen-
       tial writing of each channel of data takes place.   First,
       a  channel  header template is initialized by:  (a) dupli-
       cating from an existing channel that has been read from  a
       UW1/2  file  using  UWDFdup_chead_into_proto() followed by
       appropriate calls to UWDFset_ch...()  to  change  specific
       fields  in  the  channel  header  or (b) all fields in the
       channel header can be set using calls  to  UWDFset_ch...()
       function  calls.   After  the  channel header template has
       been filled with correct data for that channel,  then  the
       actual channel header and data are then written out with a
       call to UWDFwrite_new_chan().   After  all  channels  have
       been written, the new data file must be buttoned up with a
       call to  UWDFclose_new_file()  to  complete  the  writing.
       After that, another new data file may be written using the
       same sequence.  See the example program near  the  end  of
       this document.

       Below  is  a  list  of the prototype file that is included
       with the users program through the header: uwdfif.h.   The
       prototype  gives a convenient list of the functions avail-
       able in the package with their argument syntax,  and  pro-
       vides  a summary list of the functions for the programmer.
       Detailed function descriptions are provided  in  the  next

        *   This file was automatically generated by version 1.7 of cextract.
        *   Manual editing not recommended.
        *   Created: Mon Nov 14 15:49:44 1994
       #ifndef __CEXTRACT__
       #if __STDC__

       int UWDFchbias ( int );
       char *UWDFchcompflg ( int );
       char UWDFchfmt ( int );
       char *UWDFchid ( int );
       int UWDFchlen ( int );
       int UWDFchlta ( int );
       char *UWDFchname ( int );
       int UWDFchno ( char *, char *, char *, int );
       int UWDFchref_stime ( int, struct Time * );
       int UWDFchret_trace ( int, char, void *, int );
       float UWDFchsrate ( int );
       char *UWDFchsrc ( int );
       double UWDFchtime_corr ( int );
       int UWDFchtrig ( int );
       int UWDFclose_file ( void );
       int UWDFclose_new_file ( void );
       int UWDFconv_to_doy ( int, int, int, int * );
       int UWDFconv_to_mon_day ( int, int, int *, int * );
       char *UWDFdhcomment ( void );
       int UWDFdhevno ( void );
       char *UWDFdhext ( void );
       short int *UWDFdhflgs ( void );
       int UWDFdhfmt_type_for_read ( void );
       int UWDFdhnchan ( void );
       int UWDFdhref_stime ( struct Time * );
       int UWDFdhtapeno ( void );
       int UWDFdup_chead_into_proto ( int );
       int UWDFdup_masthead ( void );
       char *UWDFfile_opened ( void );
       int UWDFinit_for_new_write ( char * );
       int UWDFinit_rev_table ( char * );
       int UWDFis_uw2 ( void );
       int UWDFmax_trace_len ( void );
       int UWDFopen_file ( char * );
       struct chhead2 *UWDFret_chead_proto_struct ( void );
       struct chhead2 *UWDFret_chead_struct ( int );
       double UWDFret_chtime_corr_proto ( void );
       struct masthead *UWDFret_mast_struct ( void );
       struct masthead *UWDFret_new_mhead_struct ( void );
       int UWDFset_chbias ( int );
       int UWDFset_chcompflg ( char * );
       int UWDFset_chid ( char * );
       int UWDFset_chlta ( int );
       int UWDFset_chname ( char * );
       int UWDFset_chref_stime ( struct Time );
       int UWDFset_chsrate ( float );
       int UWDFset_chsrc ( char * );
       int UWDFset_chtime_corr ( double );
       int UWDFset_chtrig ( int );
       int UWDFset_dhcomment ( char * );
       int UWDFset_dhevno ( short int );
       int UWDFset_dhextra ( char [] );
       int UWDFset_dhflgs ( short int [] );
       int UWDFset_dhref_stime ( struct Time );
       int UWDFset_dhtapeno ( short int );
       int UWDFsta_mapping_on ( char * );
       float UWDFtime_diff ( struct Time, struct Time );
       int UWDFwrite_new_chan ( char, int, void *, char );
       int UWDFwrite_new_head ( void );

       #endif /* __STDC__ */
       #endif /* __CEXTRACT__ */

       The  syntax  and  use of each function is described below.
       In general, it is a good idea (even necessary) to  include
       the  header  "uwdfif.h" noted above in calling programs to
       ensure that prototypes are declared  correctly  and  argu-
       ments  are handled correctly.  This include file also con-
       tains all of the internal structure declarations  used  by
       uwdfif.   For example, the "Time" structure can be used to
       return and set the date-time for the  header  or  channel.
       Functions  returning integer values are generally true (1)
       or false (0) depending on whether the execution  was  suc-
       cessful  or  failed.  The failure return may not be opera-
       tive at present.  The module name is given  on  the  first
       line,  followed  by the description, with the syntax given
       last.  Functions are arranged alphabetically.  The integer
       variable  "chno"  passed  to the routines always refers to
       the channel ordinal number (0 to N-1, where N is the  num-
       ber of channels).

       Function: UWDFchbias
              Return the bias value for the specified channel as an int.  The bias
              is a running average of the DC level of the channel as it is digitized,
              and is a good measure of the channel state of health.  Normally bias
              values should be less than 20 or 30 counts.
              int UWDFchbias ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFchcompflg
              Return a character pointer to the 4 length string that specifies
              the component for channel "chno".  The possible strings are given
              in the SEED definition manual, Appendix A.  Typically the string
              is a three letter code specifying the Band Code, Source Code, and
              the Orientation Code.  An example is "EHV" for extremely short-period,
              high-gain, vertical component.  A null terminator exists within
              the field width.
              char *UWDFchcompflg ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFchfmt
              Return the format type of the seismogram pointed to by index "chano".
              This will be a single character with a value 'S', 'L', or 'F' for
              short integer, long integer, or float type respectively.  This
              function allows the application program to ascertain the native
              data type for any data channel, in case, for example, the application
              wants to retain the original data type.  This could be the case if
              the application was merging or splitting data files.  Note that
              the conversion of float or long int data types to short int format
              is highly unadvisable, although the interface presently permits
              this type of conversion.  Such conversion could result in loss of
              significance or data distortion.
              char UWDFchfmt ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFchid
              Return a character pointer to the 4 length string available to
              specify channel id in more detail.  Exact use of this field is not
              defined by the format, but it is available as a user defined
              field to specify things such as high or low gain version of a
              particular component, alternate telemetry paths, etc.  A null
              terminator exists within the field width.
              char *UWDFchid ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFchlen
              Return the length (number of samples or points) of the seismogram
              for the channel pointed to by index "chno".  The length may vary
              with each seismogram in UW-2 style format, but will be the same
              for all seismograms for UW-1.  The calling software should be
              written to always check the size of each trace prior to returning
              the trace, and to ensure that buffer space is allocated, of the
              correct type, in each case.
              int UWDFchlen ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFchlta
              Return the LTA (long term average) for channel specified by "chno".  The
              LTA is a measure of the average RMS value of the signal over a running
              window, and is used in the acquisition system triggering algorithm.
              int UWDFchlta ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFchname
              Return a character string pointer to the name field for specified
              channel.  "chno" is the channel number.  This name is the station
              name for the site (point on the ground).  There may be several
              channels with the same station name, for multicomponent stations
              (in UW-2 format).  Component flags and id flags should be used for
              discriminating components, etc., at stations.
              char *UWDFchname ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFchno
              Return the integer channel index (ordinal number) for the channel
              characterized by the three strings: "chname", "compflg", and "chid".
              The boolean switch "force_on" forces full exact comparison with
              all three strings.  If no such channel exists, or a match cannot
              be found, then return -1 (an illegal channel index number).  This
              is the way that we can pull out a channel number by its string
              specifiers.  Note: If force_on is set FALSE, then if either "compflg"
              or "chid" are null strings, the search just ignores that string
              comparison for the null case.  If however force_on is TRUE, then
              null strings must match null strings for all three strings.  In
              every case, "chname" MUST be non-null.  In the present version,
              the first encounter of the correctly matching channel will be
              returned, even if later matches can be made.
              int  UWDFchno  (  char *chname, char *compflg, char
              *chid, int force_on );

       Function: UWDFchref_stime
              Returns the reference time for the first point of channel specified
              by "chno".  "time" in this case is stored in the form of the
              structure "Time" defined in "uwdfif.h".  "Time" contains: yr, mon,
              day, hr, min, sec.  Remember to pass the POINTER to the time
              structure, since data must be returned to the calling program.
              int UWDFchref_stime ( int chno, struct  Time  *time

       Function: UWDFchret_trace
              This is the basic routine for returning channel data in several
              formats.  "chno" is an input integer that selects the data channel
              to return.  This number should be between 0 and (N-1) where N is
              the total number of channels (available with another function call).
              "fmt" is a character variable that indicates the format that you
              want the data returned in.  "fmt" can be be 'S' for short int, 'F'
              for float, and 'L' for long integer.  There can be no default, so
              this character must be set with one of those values.  "seis" is a
              non-specified (void) pointer to a seismogram buffer that must be
              big enough to hold one trace at full (4 byte) precision.  Even if
              you want to return data as short (2 byte) integers, you MUST declare
              the buffer length to be long enough for the same number of sample
              points as long (4 byte) integers.  It is the users responsibility
              to pass a buffer of sufficient size (to hold one entire trace).
              It is also the users responsibility to ensure that the routine does
              not convert data from 'F' (float) or 'L' (long int) formats to 'S'
              (short int), unless it is known to be safe to do so.  This conversion
              (either to or from a data file) CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT LOSS OF
              DATA.  No partial trace option is available at present.  The
              seismogram trace length in number of samples may be checked for
              each trace with the function UWDFchlen(i) for the i'th channel,
              and the native format of the data in the data file may be checked
              channel-by-channel with the function UWDFchfmt().
              int  UWDFchret_trace  (  int  chno,  char fmt, void
              *seis );

       Function: UWDFchsrate
              Returns floating point value of sample rate in samples-per-second
              for the specified channel number "chno".  The sample rate is assumed to
              be constant over the duration of the trace.
              float UWDFchsrate ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFchsrc
              Return a character pointer to the 4 length string to specify
              the "src" field of the channel header.  Exact use of this field
              is not defined by the format, but it is intended to specify
              the source of the data in a three-character code.  For example,
              data from the Hawk system would use the designator: HWK for
              this field.  A null terminator exists within the field width.
              char *UWDFchsrc ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFchtime_corr
              ** Returns double precision value of the time correction in seconds
              ** for the specified channel number "chno".
              double UWDFchtime_corr ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFchtrig
              Return the trigger value for the specified data channel as an int.  The
              trigger value is a measure of the departure of the short term average
              from the long term average, and is used in the acquisition system triggering
              int UWDFchtrig ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFclose_file
              Closes data file that was previously opened by UWDFopen_file.
              Called before new data file is opened for reading.  OK to call this
              if no file is open - in this case, a FALSE value is returned.
              int UWDFclose_file ( void );

       Function: UWDFclose_new_file
              Closes new data file after writing is complete. This function takes
              care of cleanup operations, and must be performed before a new file
              is opened for writing.
              int UWDFclose_new_file ( void );

       Function: UWDFconv_to_doy
              Time conversion utility to convert from month & day time to
              day-of-year.  Input variables are year (yr), month (mon), and
              day-of-month (dom);  output is day-of-year (doy).
              int UWDFconv_to_doy ( int yr, int mon, int dom, int
              *doy );

       Function: UWDFconv_to_mon_day
              Time conversion utiltity to convert from day-of-year to month &
              day.  Input variables are year (yr), day-of-year (doy); output is
              month (mon), and day-of-month (dom).
              int  UWDFconv_to_mon_day  (  int  yr,  int doy, int
              *mon, int *dom );

       Function: UWDFdhcomment
              Return pointer to header "comment" string in master header; maximum
              length is 80 characters
              char *UWDFdhcomment ( void );

       Function: UWDFdhevno
              Return event number as integer; this is a short int in the header struct.
              int UWDFdhevno ( void );

       Function: UWDFdhext
              Return character pointer to "extra" character string in master
              header; maximum length is 10 characters.
              char *UWDFdhext ( void );

       Function: UWDFdhflgs
              Return pointer to array of short int "flags"; array is length 10.
              short int *UWDFdhflgs ( void );

       Function: UWDFdhfmt_type_for_read
              Return integer giving format type for current data file open for read.
              1 is returned if UW-1 style format, 2 is returned if UW-2 style format.
              int UWDFdhfmt_type_for_read ( void );

       Function: UWDFdhnchan
              Return integer value with number of channels.  This value is picked
              up from the master header block for UW-1 style format, and from
              the structure descriptor block for UW-2 style format.
              int UWDFdhnchan ( void );

       Function: UWDFdhref_stime
              Return the master reference time in the structure defined by "struct
              Time" (which is declared in the "uwdfif.h" header).  The structure
              contains the information: yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec.  This time
              is defined as the start of all traces for UW-1 style data (all
              channels have the same starting time); for UW-2, it will be the
              earliest start time of all traces as determined at the time the
              file is read (min of the start time of all traces).
              int UWDFdhref_stime ( struct Time *time );

       Function: UWDFdhtapeno
              Return tape (or run) number as integer; this is a short int in the
              header struct.
              int UWDFdhtapeno ( void );

       Function: UWDFdup_chead_into_proto
              This function sets the channel header prototype for writing the
              channel to be written next by duplicating it from the channel "chno"
              of the file presently open for reading.  If you are writing a data
              file from scratch, then you would not normally use this function
              since there would be no currently valid data to duplicate from.
              To use this function, you must have a currently valid data file
              (either UW-1 or UW-2) active for reading.  Following this call,
              you may reset any individual fields prior to writing.
              int UWDFdup_chead_into_proto ( int chno );

       Function: UWDFdup_masthead
              This function duplicates the current master header structure into
              the master header structure available for writing new data file.
              It may be used to simplify the process of correctly initializing
              the master header.  For example, we may first duplicate the master
              header from a file that has been read (this function), then change
              any fields that require change by individual calls to the appropriate
              int UWDFdup_masthead ( void );

       Function: UWDFfile_opened
              Returns the complete path name of the last data file that was
              actually opened.  If no file was opened, then the returned string is null.
              char *UWDFfile_opened ( void );

       Function: UWDFinit_for_new_write
              /* The newfilename is squirreled away until file is closed */
              int UWDFinit_for_new_write ( char *newfilename );

       Function: UWDFinit_rev_table
              Itialize the station reversal table using the file name provided
              as an argument.  If this function is NOT called, no reversal
              information is used.  If the reversal table is invoked, then affected
              channels are automatically reversed as they are returned via the
              call to UWDFchret_trace().  May be called at any time to initialize
              to a new reversal table (file).  Provision is made for a default
              station reversal file.  If the function is called with a null string ("")
              as an argument, then the default mode is invoked.  If the function
              is called with in the default mode, then either (a) the reversal
              table path is taken from the environmental variable USER_STA_REV_TABLE
              if it is set, or (b) the default defined by DEFAULT_STA_REV_TABLE
              is used for the path.
              int UWDFinit_rev_table ( char *name );

       Function: UWDFis_uw2
              Return the value TRUE (1) if the data format for reading (current
              file) is UW-2; otherwise return FALSE (0) - currently this implies
              int UWDFis_uw2 ( void );

       Function: UWDFmax_trace_len
              Return the maximum trace length (in samples) for current data file.
              This utility is useful for allocating space for the seismogram
              int UWDFmax_trace_len ( void );

       Function: UWDFopen_file
              Opens UW-1 or UW-2 style data files for reading.  Only one data
              file at a time may be opened with the present version.  "name" is
              character string that is either the name of the big "D" file in
              the case of UW-1 style data, or and arbitrary data file name in
              the case of UW-2 style data.  In the case of UW-1 style data, the
              little "d" file name is derived from the string given.  The
              environment variable USER_DATA_PATH can be used to specify a colon
              separated list of directories to search for data files.  If the
              file "name" cannot be opened, this routine will attempt to find
              the file in the directories indicated by the search path.  Returns
              TRUE (1) if successful, otherwise FALSE (0).
              int UWDFopen_file ( char *name );

       Function: UWDFret_chead_proto_struct
              Returns pointer to the prototype channel header structure used
              for writing.
              struct chhead2 *UWDFret_chead_proto_struct  (  void

       Function: UWDFret_chead_struct
              Returns pointer to the channel header (UW-2 style) for the i'th
              struct chhead2 *UWDFret_chead_struct ( int i );

       Function: UWDFret_chtime_corr_proto
              ** Returns double precision value of the time correction in seconds
              ** of the prototype channel used for writing.
              double UWDFret_chtime_corr_proto ( void );

       Function: UWDFret_mast_struct
              Returns pointer to the structure for the master header used for
              struct masthead *UWDFret_mast_struct ( void );

       Function: UWDFret_new_mhead_struct
              Returns pointer to the master header used for writing.
              struct masthead *UWDFret_new_mhead_struct ( void );

       Function: UWDFset_chbias
              Set the channel "bias" variable.  This is a moving average parameter
              normally generated by the UW HAWK data acquisition system.  This
              would not normally be reset by the user.  Since it is only a 2 byte
              integer, it cannot be set to greater than about +/- 32000.  If the
              application tries to set it larger, the interface sets it to zero.
              int UWDFset_chbias ( int bias );

       Function: UWDFset_chcompflg
              Set the component flag for the channel to be written next.  This
              string is normally three characters in length, following the
              convention of the SEED defining document, Appendix A.  The field
              can be at most 3 characters since the format allows only 4 characters
              including the null terminator.
              int UWDFset_chcompflg ( char *compflg );

       Function: UWDFset_chid
              Set the separate channel ID string.  This field can be of the users
              definition.  It could be used for example to specify different
              flavors of the same component from the same station (e.g., different
              telemetry routes).  The field can be at most 3 characters long.
              int UWDFset_chid ( char *chanid );

       Function: UWDFset_chlta
              Set the channel "lta" variable.  This is the "long term average"
              normally generated by the UW HAWK data acquisition system.  This
              would not normally be reset by the user.  Since it is only a 2 byte
              integer, it cannot be set to greater than about +/- 32000.  If the
              application tries to set it larger, the interface sets it to zero.
              int UWDFset_chlta ( int lta );

       Function: UWDFset_chname
              Set the station name for the channel to be written next.  This
              string is normally 4 or fewer characters long, although the UW-2
              format will accommodate up to 7 characters plus a null terminator.
              It is the string specifying the "point on the ground" for the
              station.  The string should be correctly null terminated.
              int UWDFset_chname ( char *chaname );

       Function: UWDFset_chref_stime
              Set the channel reference time for the channel to be written next.
              The reference time is the time of the first sample in the channel.
              "time" is a "struct Time" containing: yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec.
              See the Time structure declaration in "uwdfif.h".  Note that the
              "time" structure is passed by value.
              int UWDFset_chref_stime ( struct Time time );

       Function: UWDFset_chsrate
              Set the channel sample rate for the channel to be written next.
              "new_samprate" is a float variable, with units of samples/sec.
              int UWDFset_chsrate ( float new_samprate );

       Function: UWDFset_chsrc
              Set the separate channel source string.  This field can be of the users
              definition.  It is intended to specify the source of the data; e.g.,
              it would be set to HWK for data form the Hawk system.
              int UWDFset_chsrc ( char *chansrc );

       Function: UWDFset_chtime_corr
              ** Set the channel time correction for the channel to be written next.
              ** "new_chtime_corr" is a double variable, with units of seconds.
              int UWDFset_chtime_corr ( double new_chtime_corr );

       Function: UWDFset_chtrig
              Set the channel "trig" variable.  This is a trigger parameter
              normally generated by the UW HAWK data acquisition system.  This
              would not normally be reset by the user.  Since it is only a 2 byte
              integer, it cannot be set to greater than about +/- 32000.  If the
              application tries to set it larger, the interface sets it to zero.
              int UWDFset_chtrig ( int trig );

       Function: UWDFset_dhcomment
              Set the comment character field in the master header.  This field is
              a string of length 80 (79 + terminator) or less.
              int UWDFset_dhcomment ( char *comment );

       Function: UWDFset_dhevno
              Set the event number in the master header
              int UWDFset_dhevno ( short int new_evno );

       Function: UWDFset_dhextra
              Set the character array "extra" in the master header.  "extra" is
              a character array of length 10.  See design document for definitions
              of defined elements.
              int UWDFset_dhextra ( char extra[] );

       Function: UWDFset_dhflgs
              Set the integer flags array in the master header.  There are 10
              of elements in the flags array.  See design document for definitions
              of defined elements.
              int UWDFset_dhflgs ( short int new_flags[] );

       Function: UWDFset_dhref_stime
              Set the master header reference time from the time structure "time".
              The structure "Time" is defined in the uwdfif.h include file.  Note
              that the argument is not a pointer; the structure is passed by
              value.  Note also that this value is used in UW-1 data files as the
              master time reference, but it essentially ignored in UW-2 where the
              reference time for each channel is carried in the channel headers.
              int UWDFset_dhref_stime ( struct Time time );

       Function: UWDFset_dhtapeno
              Set the tape number field in the master header.
              int UWDFset_dhtapeno ( short int new_tapenum );

       Function: UWDFsta_mapping_on
              Turn on station file name mapping for reading (and writing) UW-1
              style data or converting UW-1 data to UW-2 data.  This allows the
              user to initialize automatic station name mapping using the specified
              station mapping file.  If this function is not called, station name
              mapping is not done for UW-1 type data, and original station names
              are retained by default.  If station name mapping is not on when
              writing new UW-2 data, then original UW-1 station names are retained
              in the UW-2 style channel headers.  A default station name mapping
              file is defined.  If UWDFsta_mapping_on() is called with a non-null
              file name, then that name overrides any defaults and is always
              used.  If UWDFsta_mapping_on() is called with a null string as the
              file name, then either (a) the path defined by the environment
              variable USER_STA_MAP is used for the station name mapping file if
              it is defined, or (b) the default path defined by DEFAULT_STA_MAP
              is used.
              int UWDFsta_mapping_on ( char *map_filename );

       Function: UWDFtime_diff
              Return the time difference in seconds between the time structure
              defined by time1 and time2 (time1 - time2).  These times must be
              defined by the structure "Time", which is defined in the uwdfif.h
              header file.  Always use #include "uwdfif.h" to obtain the proper
              structure declarations.  This is just a handy utility routine for
              applications to avoid having to unfold the date-time structure.
              Note that the structure arguments are passed by value.
              float  UWDFtime_diff  (  struct  Time time1, struct
              Time time2 );

       Function: UWDFwrite_new_chan
              Write next seismogram channel in sequence.  This is the basic
              seismogram writing function.  "wr_fmt" is a character variable
              specifying how you want the file written.  The choices are 'S' (short
              int), 'L' (long int), and 'F' (float).  "len" is the length of the data
              buffer in sample points, "seis" is the actual seismogram data buffer
              passed to function, and "seis_fmt" is actual format of the data
              that you passed to the routine (again, 'S', 'L', or 'F').  The
              routine can accept any of the three formats, and will do internal
              conversion as needed prior to actually writing data.  Appropriate
              fields in the channel header such as the length and format type
              are filled prior to writing the data.
              int UWDFwrite_new_chan ( char wr_fmt, int len, void
              *seis, char seis_fmt );

       Function: UWDFwrite_new_head
              Write new master header.  This function must be the first called
              after a new file has been opened (UWDFinit_for_new_write()), and
              the master header has been initialized (e.g., with UWDFdup_masthead()).
              Note that the new master header structure may be filled several
              int UWDFwrite_new_head ( void );

       The  following  example  code generates a new data file in
       the UW-2 data  format,  from  existing  UW-1  style  data.
       Although brief, it is basically all that is required to do
       the full conversion.  Of course, most of the work is  done
       by the uwdfif package.

       /*  Usage: uw1-2 file ...
           where "file" is the name of first file to convert */
       #include <stdio.h>
       #include <stdlib.h>
       #include <string.h>
       #include "uwdfif.h"
       #define MAXLEN 100000 /* longest seismogram about 1000 secs (100 sps) */
       int seis[MAXLEN];
       main(argc, argv)
       int argc;
       char *argv[];
           char infilename[50], outfilename[50];
           int i, j, chlen, nchan;

           UWDFsta_mapping_on(""); /* Initialize sta name mapping */
           UWDFinit_rev_table(""); /* Initialize station
               reversal table; note that this is really not used for conversion,
               it is given here as an examples of its usage */
           for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { /* Loop over file names as arguments */
            if (infilename[strlen(infilename)-1] != 'D')
                infilename[strlen(infilename)-1] = 'D';
            strcpy(outfilename, infilename);
            outfilename[strlen(outfilename)-1] = 'W';
            if (!UWDFopen_file(infilename)) { /* Open data file(s)
                       without using station or reversal tables */
                printf(" error opening data file0);
            nchan = UWDFdhnchan(); /* Get total number of channels */
            UWDFinit_for_new_write(outfilename); /* Init for new file write */
            UWDFdup_masthead(); /*Duplicate original master header into proto */
            UWDFwrite_new_head(); /* Actually write out master header */
            for (j = 0; j < nchan; ++j) {
                chlen = UWDFchlen(j); /* for UW-1, these are all same */
                if (chlen > MAXLEN) {
                 printf(" channel length too long0);
                UWDFdup_chead_into_proto(j); /* Duplicate chan header into prototype */
                UWDFchret_trace(j, 'L', seis); /* Get seismogram */
                UWDFwrite_new_chan('S', chlen, seis, 'L'); /* Write actual data
                 and fill channel header array */
            UWDFclose_new_file(); /* Flushes out channel headers and cleans up */
               UWDFclose_file(); /* Close the current input file */

       /*  Master header block from UW-1 style files; Nominal length
           of this structure is 426. However with different word boundary
           discipline, this block may actually be different when
           actually written (arghh!!!)  */

       struct masthead {
           short int nchan; /* Number of channels; not used for UW-2 */
           int lrate;   /* Sample rate, samples per 1000 seconds; not used in UW-2 */
           int lmin;    /* Reference time for Carl's date routine (grgmin) */
           int lsec;    /* Reference second from above min in microseconds */
           int length;  /* Number of samples per channel in total record
                           Note that in UW-2, this is defunct */
           short int tapenum;  /* Original 11/34 tape number; now run number */
           short int eventnum; /* Event number on 11/34 tape; now sequence number */
           short int flg[10];  /* Extra user defined flags for expansion.
                   Some current usages follow:
                   flg[0] is -3 when lmin is not set but the digitization
                          rate and seconds modulo 10 have been set.
                   flg[0] is -2 when lmin and lsec have not been set.
                   flg[0] is -1 when lmin is set to within plus or minus 3.
                   flg[0] is what you get from the online demultiplexer.
                          it usually means  that the time is set
                          to within 3 seconds and the digrate is good
                          to about 3 places, but this may be in error:
                       a) if the online clock was not set at reboot
                              time then the year will not be 198?.
                       b) if the digrate is exactly 100 in old 64 chan
                          stuff then this is not even close.
                          The digrate was constant throughout the
                          64-chan configuration.
                   flg[0] is  1 when ping is through with it.  This
                          generally means the time is set to within
                          .2 second and the digrate has not been reset.
                   flg[0] is  2  when the digrate has been set to 4
                       significant figures and the starting time
                       has been set to within one sampling interval.
                   flg[1] is the logical OR of: low bit: 0 -> Squash Lock On
                                                low bit: 1 -> Squash Lock Off
                                                2nd bit: 0 -> Not Squashed
                                                2nd bit: 1 -> Squashed
                   flg[2] is number of times the file has been merged.
                   flg[3] is 0 usually and 1 if the station names have been modified.
                   flg[4] is decimation factor if slashed
                   flg[5] is the channel number (1 - hm.nchan) of the
                       time code from which the time was set.
                   flg[6] is used by the 5-day merge package.  It is
                       set to 1 after the station names have been corrected.
                   flg[7] is used by 'stack' to tell how many files have
                       been stacked onto this one.
           char extra[10];   /* extra codes for expansion
                   extra[0]  is currently used as an event type flag
                   extra[1] is set to ' ' (blank) or 'I' if integer data are IEEE
                 conformant; 'D' if data are DEC style byte reversed;
                 'I' or 'D' are preferred forms for new format
                   extra[2] is set to ' ' (blank) or '1' if UW-1 format is used;
                      '2' for UW-2 format;  '1' and '2' are preferred forms for
                   new format
           char comment[80]; /* 80 optional comment characters */

       /*  Channel headers for UW-1 (chhead1) and UW-2 (chhead2)  */

       struct chhead1 {  /* UW-1 station headers; one per channel */
           char name[6]; /* Station name (4 characters and a null) */
           short int lta;    /* long term average */
           short int trig;   /* Trigger  (positive for trigger on) */
           short int bias;   /* DC offset */
       }; /* length of chhead1 = 12 bytes */

       struct chhead2 { /* UW-2 channel headers; one per channel */
           int chlen;    /* channel length in samples */
           int offset;   /* start offset of channel; bytes rel. to start of file */
           int start_lmin;    /* start time in min; same def. as lmin in masthead */
           int start_lsec;    /* start time offset relative to lmin; u-sec */
           int lrate;    /* sample rate in samples per 1000 secs */
           int expan1;     /* expansion field for long integers */
           short int lta;    /* long term average; same as chhead1 */
           short int trig;   /* Trigger (positive for trigger on); same as chhead1 */
           short int bias;   /* DC offset; same as chhead1 */
           short int fill;   /* Fill short int so short int block 8 bytes long */
           char name[8]; /* station name (4 characters and null) */
           char fmt[4];  /* first char designates data fmt (S, L, or F) */
           char compflg[4]; /* component id as per Seed Appen I + seq no. */
           char chid[4]; /* unique channel id; user defined */
           char src[4]; /* "source" of data field */
       }; /* length of chhead2 = 56 bytes */

       /* Specification of structure for indexing expansion structures */

       struct expanindex {
           char structag[4]; /* tag to indicate specific structure;  currently:
            "CH2" for UW-2 channel header structures OR
            "TC2" for UW-2 time correction structures */
           int numstructs; /* number of structures to read; for:
            "CH2" - number of channels
            "TC2" - number of channels with time corrections */
           int offset; /* file offset for beginning of structure; for:
            "CH2" -  beginning of channel header structures block
            "TC2" -  beginning of time correction structures block */
       }; /* length of expanstruct = 12 bytes */

       /* Specification of structure for channel time correction */

       struct {
           int chno;  /* Channel number */
           int corr;  /* Additive time correction in u-sec */
       } tc_struct;

       /* Time structure for UWDFdhref_stime(), UWDFchref_stime(),
          UWDFsetch_ref_stime(), UWDFsetdh_ref_stime(), and UWDFtime_diff() */

       struct Time {
           int yr, mon, day, hr, min;
           double sec;
       }; /* length of Time = 28 bytes */

       High   level  interface  version:  Bob  Crosson  (bob@geo-
       phys.washington.edu) with help from Steve Malone

       Report bugs author.
