UWPFIF(UW)                                             UWPFIF(UW)

       uwpfif - package for isolation and high level access to UW
       style pick files

       #include "uwpfif.h"

       Uwpfif is a package of  high  level  access  routines  for
       reading  and writing UW style pick files.  This package of
       routines is designed to (a) isolate the users  application
       program  from  the  details  of  pick file management, (b)
       standardize the way pick files are written and  formatted,
       (c) provide extensions to the old pickfile format to bring
       the pickfile utility up to current broadband, three-compo-
       nent  standards,  and  (d)  provide backward compatibility
       with the "old-style" UW pickfile format so that  they  can
       be  read  transparently  by applications software.  To the
       degree that applications use  this  interface  package  to
       read and write pickfiles, when pickfile changes are neces-
       sitated, the impact  can  be  localized  to  the  pickfile
       interface,  allowing  little  or  no  modification  of end
       application programs.

       UW pickfiles are files constructed to hold seismic parame-
       ter  data  in ascii format which can be read by humans and
       edited with standard text editors.  By convention, current
       pickfile  names are constructed of a date-time string con-
       sisting of a series of digits representing  the  start  of
       the  time  window of the seismic data from which the pick-
       file is derived.  These names normally correspond  to  the
       same  naming  convention used for trace data (year through
       10s of seconds), with a final lower case letter that char-
       acterizes  the  nature of the event (e.g., teleseism: 't',
       regional: 'r', etc.) or the  region  where  the  event  is

       Note that a current shortcoming of the UW file naming con-
       vention is that the year is only valid within  a  century,
       so  that  when  the  century boundary is crossed, the file
       names will not reflect the correct century.  This is  also
       true  for  the  reference time string contained within the
       pickfile itself.  This could be  handled  by  an  addition
       time  reference placed within the pickfile, or by external
       file management.  An example of a current pick  file  name
       is - 92042101141p which is year: 1992, month: 04, day: 21,
       hour: 01, minute: 14, seconds: 10.  The trailing 'p' char-
       acter  is  a  generic pickfile identifier.  trailing flags
       are by convention lower case alpha  characters.   See  the
       man  page  for uwdfif for further details on the data file
       naming conventions.

       Within the ascii pickfile, we use a "flagged line"  format
       with  some overall structure conventions.  The flag is the
       first character in the first column of each line,  and  it
       "flags"  the  contents  of that line.  For example, the "A
       line" has the character 'A' in column 1, and  is  followed
       by location summary information such as origin time, lati-
       tude, longitude, and  depth  in  fixed  column  locations.
       Column  1  must  have a recognized character flag or it is
       ignored by the  interface  software  and  placed  unto  an
       unrecognized category.  Some lines require column oriented
       data, and some lines  allow  free  field,  token  oriented
       data.   This  format  may be easily extended by defining a
       new flag, and then the contents of the new line  indicated
       by that flag.  By adding fairly straightforward extensions
       to the software interface, the extensions  may  be  under-
       stood  and  managed  by  the  software interface (uwpfif).
       Alternatively, a user may define new flags for  restricted
       use that are not recognized by the interface, but are nev-
       ertheless  accessible  through  the   software   interface
       through  the  "unrecognized" line capability.  In general,
       when new data are added to the format,  it  is  done  with
       free  field,  token  driven  conventions  to allow greater
       flexibility in the format, albeit  with  somewhat  reduced
       human readability.

       A single pickfile will normally contain data for one event
       (earthquake, explosion, etc.) with the following  require-
       ment:  the  first  line of the file must start with an 'A'
       line (i.e., a line beginning with  the  character  'A'  in
       column  1).   Remaining  lines  in  the pickfile may be in
       arbitrary order, but certain order is followed by  conven-
       tion,  making the files easier to read.  The order conven-
       tion is: A line; E and F lines  for  error  summary  info;
       phase  lines; followed by comment and other lines in arbi-
       trary order.  The requirement for  the  'A'  line  as  the
       first  line of the pick file is made so that pickfiles may
       be concatenated into larger "stream" files for stream mode
       processing.   This makes it convenient to do certain types
       of repetitive processing on collections of pickfiles  such
       as  repeated relocations with a number of velocity models.
       Also sorting a single pickfile will result in the 'A' line
       emerging  at  the top of the file.  Following is a summary
       table of the recognized line types with a  brief  descrip-
       tion  of  their function, and whether they are column ori-
       ented (col), token oriented (tok), or string info (str).

       Summary description:
              A : event location summary info (col)
              E : expanded error info (col)
              F : error ellipse info (col)
              phase line : (blank - old; . = new)  phase  arrival
              info (tok)
              T : time windowing info (tok)
              C : comment (str)
              N : pickfile name (str)
              O : other station names (tok)
              M : focal mechanism (tok)
              S : additional magnitude info
              I : intensity info
              D : dead channel info (tok)

       Following  is  a  more complete description of each of the
       recognized lines in the pickfile.

       A line A header line begins with an 'A' in the first  col-
              umn  and  contains summary information of the event
              origin time, location, magnitude, and other quanti-
              ties  related to the location.  This line is column
              oriented and requires only the reference time field
              (all  other  fields  are  optional).   Columns  not
              specifically referenced below are blank.

              Col. 2 : code for event type; recognized types are:
              X - Known explosion
              P - Probable explosion
              F - Felt event
              T-  Teleseism,  H-  Hand picked (other `types' take
              precedence), L- Low frequency event eg. St.  Helens
              B-type volcanic earthquake or Rainier low frequency
              icequake, R- Regional earthquake (outside network),
              S-  Special  (non earthquake) signal like rockfall,
              sonic  boom,etc,  8-  Earthquake  information  from
              another source and  event occurred between 1800 and
              1899, 9- Earthquake information from another source
              and  event occurred between 1900 and 1999.

              Cols.  3-12:  Reference time for pickfile (required
              Reference time from year through minute.  An  exam-
              ple is 8901171355 which represents the time: year -
              1989, month 01, day 17, hour  13,  and  minute  55.
              All  times in the pick file are in seconds relative
              to this reference time.  Note  that  the  reference
              time has only two year digits, and therefore is not
              able to distinguish the century (see abovd).

              Cols. 13-18: Origin time  in  seconds  relative  to
              reference time; floating point with a explicit dec-
              imal point.

              Cols 20-21: Degrees of latitude.

              Col 22: Latitude sign symbol (N for +, S for -)

              Cols 23-26 : Decimal minutes of  latitude  (decimal
              point implicit between cols 24 and 25)

              Cols 28-30: Degrees of longitude.

              Cols 31: Longitude sign symbol (E for +, W for -)

              Cols  32-35:  Decimal minutes of longitude (decimal
              point implicit between cols 33 and 34)

              Listing of field names in order:
              min*100,LongDeg,EW,Lonmin*100      Depth,Fix,Magni-

              NN/0NN GGG DD R.RR EE.EQQ VV

              AF8901171355  28.82  47N3919  122W1143   1.53   3.3
              38/042  51  8 0.24  0.9BB P3

       E line << error summary line >>

       F line << error ellipse line >>

       phase line
              << phase line >>

       C line << comment line >>

       N line << file name line >>

       O line << other channels line >>

       D line << dead channels line >>

       M line << mechanism line >>

       S line << other magnitudes line >>

       I line << intensity line >>

       T line << time window line >>

       All  externally  available  functions in this package have
       names beginning with  UWPF...  (for  example,  UWPFdepth()
       provides  access  to  the  event  depth in the pick file).
       Each pickfile represents one logical  event  (normally  an
       earthquake  or  explosion).  Pickfiles may be concatenated
       together into a  pickfile  "stream",  since  each  logical
       pickfile is defined by its beginning 'A' line.

       An  important  feature  of the interface is that it allows
       either stream access from/to the standard I/O,  or  direct
       access  from/to  individual  files.  To the users applica-
       tion, these two modes look identical - the differences are
       handled  by  the  interface  package and are thus isolated
       from the users program.  The users program needs  only  to
       make  a single simple choice between modes.  Stream access
       handles one or more concatenated pick files in succession.

       Below  is  a  list  of the prototype file that is included
       with the users program through the header: uwpfif.h.   The
       prototype  gives a convenient list of the functions avail-
       able in the package with their argument syntax,  and  pro-
       vides  a  convenient summary list of the functions for the
       programmer.  Detailed function descriptions  are  provided
       in the next section.

        *   This file was automatically generated by version 1.7 of cextract.
        *   Manual editing not recommended.
        *   Created: Tue Mar  8 17:33:30 1994
       #ifndef __UWPFIF_PROTO__
       #define __UWPFIF_PROTO__
       #if __STDC__

       int UWPFcanonStr ( char * );
       int UWPFchanRef ( char, struct Chan );
       int UWPFchans ( char, int *, struct Chan * );
       int UWPFcomment ( char, int *, char * );
       int UWPFdeadChan ( char, int *, struct Chan * );
       int UWPFdepth ( char, float *, char * );
       int UWPFellipse ( char, struct Ellipse * );
       int UWPFevtLatLon ( char, float *, float * );
       int UWPFevtype ( char, char * );
       int UWPFexErrors ( char, float *, float *, float *, float *, int *, char *, float *, float *, float *, float * );
       int UWPFfileName ( char, char * );
       int UWPFgap ( char, int * );
       int UWPFherr ( char, float * );
       int UWPFlocProg ( char, char * );
       int UWPFmag ( char, float *, float * );
       int UWPFmech ( char, int *, struct Mechanism * );
       int UWPFhcard ( char, int *, struct Hloc * );

       int UWPFmodflg ( char, char * );
       int UWPFnearDist ( char, float * );
       int UWPFnpobs ( char, int * );
       int UWPFnsobs ( char, int * );
       int UWPForigsec ( char, float * );
       int UWPFparseChanStr ( char *, struct Chan * );
       int UWPFpickIndex ( struct Chan, char * );
       int UWPFpicks ( char, int *, struct Pick * );
       int UWPFqual ( char, char * );
       int UWPFrd1evt ( char * );
       int UWPFrefTime ( char, struct Time * );
       int UWPFrms ( char, float * );
       int UWPFsortDist ( void );
       int UWPFsortTime ( void );
       int UWPFstartNewPickfile ( void );
       int UWPFunknowns ( char, int *, char * );
       int UWPFunparseChanStr ( struct Chan, char * );
       int UWPFwinEndTime ( char, struct Time * );
       int UWPFwinStartTime ( char, struct Time * );
       int UWPFwr1evt ( char * );
       const char *UWPFaLine( void );

       #endif /* __STDC__ */
       #endif /* __UWPFIF_PROTO__ */

       Function  descriptions  are included here, from documenta-
       tion extracted directly from the source code via the docu-
       mentation  extractor:  cextdoc.  This makes it easy to add
       or change functions with the documentation bound  directly
       to  the  function definitions.  After a change, documenta-
       tion is updated by "make doc".

       Each function has its documented usage in a comment  field
       directly   ahead  of  the  function  definition.   In  the
       extracted documentation, the function name is given  in  a
       header,  followed by its comment field documentation, fol-
       lowed by the function prototype.  Function names are given
       in  bold.   To  keep the number of functions comparatively
       low, most functions serve multiple  uses  via  a  function
       code  which  is  the  first  argument (named "func").  The
       function code is always a single character variable (not a
       string).   Providing  multiple  use functions necessitates
       the heavier use of pointers  as  arguments,  since  values
       must be passed both into and out of the function.

       The  function code determines the behavior of the function
       when it is  called.   Commonly  a  function  can  inquire,
       return,  set  or  unset  a parameter in the pickfile.  The
       function codes corresponding to these four commonest func-
       tions  are: 'I' (inquire - return truth value depending if
       parameter is set or not), 'R'  (return  value),  'S'  (set
       value),  and 'U' (unset value).  Since these four function
       codes are used so often, they are not described in  detail
       in  the function comment fields.  Where the function codes
       deviate  from  these  common  four,  function  codes   are
       described in detail in the comment fields.

       Function: UWPFaLine
               * Returns a pointer to the pickfile A line.  Note that the application
               * should NEVER try to alter the string pointed to by this pointer.  NULL
               * will be returned if no A line is found.
              const char *UWPFaLine ( void );

       Function: UWPFcanonStr
               * Put channel string into canonical form; convenience routine
               * that simply parses and unparses the channel string, knowing that the
               * unparsing routine will put back into canonical form.  Done in-place
               * the users string.  TRUE is always returned.
              int UWPFcanonStr ( char *chanstr );

       Function: UWPFchanRef
              /*  Access to channel reference in the pickfile; note the use of upper and
                  lower case flags to reference by full channel info and by station name
                  only, respectively.  This function allows the user to control (add,
                  remove, or inquire) the reference to a channel in the pick file.  If
                  a channel is removed, its name will not appear in the pickfile.  If a
                  channel is added, its identifier will appear on a 'O' line of no pick is
                  added, or on a dot line if a pick is added.  A channel is automatically
                  added to the channel reference list if a pick is added.  Note that if the
                  'u' function is selected, all channels with the specified station name
                  will be removed from the channel reference list.
                      func = function code (I, i, A, U, u) (NONSTANDARD)
                          i - inquiry; return TRUE if station (only) is referenced
                          I - inquiry; return TRUE if full channel info is referenced
                          A - add channel reference with FULL channel info
                          U - unset (delete) by FULL channel reference
                          u - unset (delete) by STATION NAME reference only
                      chan = structure with channel info
              int UWPFchanRef ( char func, struct Chan chan );

       Function: UWPFchans
              /*  Provide access to channel list structures; NOTE that the functions are
                  non-standard here; NOTE that the S function essentially renames a
                  channel including any associated picks.
                      func = function code (I, R, and S) (NONSTANDARD)
                          I - returns number of channels
                          R - return channel struct for channel pointed to by nc
                          S - set existing channel using chanptr
                      nc = either number of channels available, or index for specific channel
                      chanptr = points to structure for particular channel.
              int  UWPFchans  (  char  func, int *nc, struct Chan
              *chanptr );

       Function: UWPFcomment
              /*  Provides access to pickfile comment lines ('C' lines of pickfile);
                  there can be an arbitrary number of comment lines in the pickfile.
                  Access is provided in a non-standard manner; user must provide pointer
                  to comment buffer which will be used to return old comments and set
                  new ones.  Note that existing comment may not be changed, since space
                  is dynamically allocated for the comment strings.  This avoids the problem
                  of a user writing beyond the end of available comment storage.  If a
                  comment needs to be changed, delete the old comment and add a new one.
                  The interface interface will return FALSE if there is an attempt to access
                  a comment that is not within the available index range.  Only the comment
                  part of the comment line is returned or passed (cols 2- on the C line).
                      func = function code (I, R, U, or A) (NONSTANDARD)
                          I - return number of comment lines only in "ncmts"
                          R - return pointer to comment line with index "*ncmts"
                          U - delete comment line referenced by "*ncmts"
                          A - add comment line pointed to by cmtptr; note that new number of
                              comments are returned in "ncmts"
                      ncmts = int var used to return number of comment lines
                          and to index individual comment lines
                      cmtptr = char pointer used to pass and return comment lines;
                          user must provide storage space
              int UWPFcomment  (  char  func,  int  *ncmts,  char
              *cmtptr );

       Function: UWPFdeadChan
              /*  Access dead channel table; dead channels are maintained in a table
                  within the uwpfif interface.  Information on dead channels is returned
                  or added in the standard Chan structure.  The I, R, S, and A function
                  codes for this function behave the same as for the UWPFcomment function.
                  The S function code sets a dead channel, replacing the dead channel that
                  was previously in that position.
                      func = function code (I, R, S, U, or A) (NONSTANDARD)
                      index = pointer to int used to return the number of entries
                          in the dead channel table (for I and A functions),
                          and to point to a specific entry (for R and U functions)
                      chanptr = pointer used to pass channel struct into table (A function)
                          and to return chan struct (R function); remember an address
                          must be passed just like any other variable to be returned
              int  UWPFdeadChan  (  char func, int *index, struct
              Chan *chanptr );

       Function: UWPFdepth
              /*  Set or return event depth and flag indicating if depth is set
                  by seismologist from 'A' line of pickfile.  The fixdepth character
                  is in the column immediately following the depth field on the 'A'
                  line of the pickfile.
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      depth = depth as float var
                      fixdepth = char var following depth (typically 'F' if depth fixed)
              int UWPFdepth  (  char  func,  float  *depth,  char
              *fixdepth );

       Function: UWPFellipse
              /*  Set or return error ellipse info from 'F' line of pickfile;
                  NOTE that error ellipse info is passed in a struct "Ellipse",
                  so all fields are handled in parallel
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      ee = error ellipse info as structure (struct Ellipse)
              int UWPFellipse ( char func, struct Ellipse *ee );

       Function: UWPFevtLatLon
              /* Set or return event location as float lat & lon variables.  These
                  quantities are stored in the 'A' line of pickfile.  They are returned
                  as single float variables in degrees.
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      lat = event latitude in degrees as float var (+ north, - south)
                      lon = event longitude in degrees as float var (+ east, - west)
              int  UWPFevtLatLon  (  char func, float *lat, float
              *lon );

       Function: UWPFevtype
              /*  Set or return event type flag.  This is the second column of the 'A' line
                  of the pickfile.  Note that this is a single character (not a string) for
                  which the address must be passed to the function.
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      type = event flag character
              int UWPFevtype ( char func, char *type );

       Function: UWPFexErrors
              /*  Set or return extended residual & error info from 'E' line of
                  pickfile;  NOTE that this information is handled as an "all or
                  nothing" package (all variables are handled in parallel so that
                  the function selected applies to all vars)
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      meanres = mean residual (float)
                      stdr0 = standard deviation of residuals about zero (float)
                      stdrm = standard deviation of residuals about mean (float)
                      sswres = sum of squared weighted residuals (float)
                      ndrf = number of degrees of freedom (int); this is the number
                          of observations minus the number of unknowns (usually 4)
                      fixflgs = string indicating which hypocenter parameters are
                          fixed (char string of len 4)
                      stderrx = standard error of latitude (in km)
                      stderry = standard error of longitude (in km)
                      stderrz = standard error of depth (in km)
                      stderrt = standard error of time (in secs)
              int UWPFexErrors ( char func, float *meanres, float
              *stdr0,  float  *stdrm,  float  *sswres, int *ndfr,
              char *fixflgs, float *sterrx, float *sterry,  float
              *sterrz, float *sterrt );

       Function: UWPFfileName
              /*  Return the pickfile name string contained on the N line of the
                  pickfile.  The 'I' function returns FALSE if there is no N line
                  (not initialized).  If the N line is not initialized, the 'R' function
                  will return a null string.
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      name = pickfile name string (user must provide address of
                          pointer to return the pointer to string)
              int UWPFfileName ( char func, char *name );

       Function: UWPFgap
              /*  Set or return gap value (in degrees) from 'A' line of pickfile
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      gap = gap value as int var (gap in degrees)
              int UWPFgap ( char func, int *gap );

       Function: UWPFherr
              /*  Set or return the horizontal error value from the 'A' line of pickfile
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      herr = horizontal error as float value
              int UWPFherr ( char func, float *herr );

       Function: UWPFlocProg
              /*  Set or return the location program flag from 'E' line
                  of pickfile;  NOTE that this flag is a 2 char string, so char
                  buffer used to pass this string must be at least of length 3
                  to allow for null termination.
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      locprog = location routine flag as 2 char string
              int UWPFlocProg ( char func, char *locprog );

       Function: UWPFmag
              /*  Set or return event magnitude and standard error of magnitude
                  from 'A' line of pickfile.
                      func = function code char (I, R, S, or U)
                      mag = magnitude value as float var
                      serrmag = standard error of magnitude as float var
              int UWPFmag ( char func, float *mag, float *serrmag

       Function: UWPFmech
              /*  Provides access to mechanism lines ('M' lines) in pickfile.  There
                  can be an arbitrary number of mechanism lines, so mechanism lines
                  are handled in non-standard manner (similar to comment lines).  Info
                  on each mechanism line is returned in a mechanism structure (Mechanism)
                  which is defined in a header for the uwpfif interface;  user must
                  provide space for struct Mechanism for both set and return functions.
                      func = function code (I, R, U, or A) (NONSTANDARD)
                          I - inquire about number of mechanism lines (returns nm)
                          R - return mechanism pointed to by nm through pointer mec
                          U - unset mechanism pointed to by nm (new number returned)
                          A - add mechanism (new number returned)
                      nm = int variable used to return number of mechs and point
                          to specific mech
                      mech = mechanism struct (pointer to structure in users
                          space used to pass mechanism info to/from pickfile
              int UWPFmech ( char func, int *nm, struct Mechanism
              *mec );

       Function: UWPFmodflg
              /*  Set or return model flag string from 'A' line of pickfile;
                  NOTE that this is 2 char string, so char buffer used to pass
                  this string must be at least of length 3 to allow for null
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      modflg = model flag string as 2 char string
              int UWPFmodflg ( char func, char *modflg );

       Function: UWPFnearDist
              /*  Set or return distance to closest station parameter from 'A' line of
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      nearsta = nearest station value as float var
              int UWPFnearDist ( char func, float *nearsta );

       Function: UWPFnpobs
              /*  Set or return number of P observations from the 'A' line of pickfile.
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      npobs = number of P obs as int var
              int UWPFnpobs ( char func, int *npobs );

       Function: UWPFnsobs
              /*  Set or return number of S observations from 'A' line of pickfile
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      nsobs = number of S obs as int var
              int UWPFnsobs ( char func, int *nsobs );

       Function: UWPForigsec
              /* Set or return origin time (seconds field only) for 'A' line of the
                 pickfile.  NOTE that this is a single float variable that is defined
                 relative to the reference time (see UWPFreftime)
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      origtime = origin time (as float seconds relative to ref time)
              int UWPForigsec ( char func, float *origtime );

       Function: UWPFparseChanStr
               * parse channel id string (chanstr) into users channel ID structure (chan)
              int  UWPFparseChanStr  ( char *chanstr, struct Chan
              *chan );

       Function: UWPFpickIndex
               * Return index of pick with channel structure matching "tchan"
               * and pick type matching "picktype";  if pick does not exist, then
               * return -1 (an illegal pick index)
              int UWPFpickIndex ( struct Chan tchan, char  *pick-
              type );

       Function: UWPFpicks
              /*  Provide access to pick info structures; NOTE that the functions are
                  non-standard here; all picks regardless of type are handled the same here.
                  NOTE also that it is an error to attempt to change the channel of
                  a pick using the 'S' function.  To change the channel, the pick must
                  be unset and a new pick added with the desired channel.
                      func = function code (I, R, A, and U) (NONSTANDARD)
                          I - returns number of picks
                          R - return pick struct for pick pointed to by np
                          S - set existing pick using pickptr
                          A - add new pick defined contents of input struct (new np returned)
                          U - unset pick pointed to by np; note that pick is not actually
                              removed, it is just "turned off"; this means that it will
                              not actually be written out in a new pickfile
                      np = either number of picks available, or index for specific pick
                      picptr = points to structure for particular pick.
              int  UWPFpicks  (  char  func, int *np, struct Pick
              *pickptr );

       Function: UWPFqual
              /*  Set or return the quality flag string from 'A' line of pickfile;
                  NOTE that this is a 2 char string, so char buffer used to pass
                  this argument must be at least of length 3 to allow for null
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      qual = quality string as 2 char string
              int UWPFqual ( char func, char *qual );

       Function: UWPFrd1evt
              /*  Read one pick file from either stream input, or from file and
                  initialize all variables; if a file name is given, then file mode
                  is assumed; if file name is a null string, then stream mode
                  is assumed.  FALSE is returned if there is no more data to
                  read (end of file is encountered immediately).  Otherwise TRUE
                  is returned.
                      pickfilename: file name as string
              int UWPFrd1evt ( char *pickfilename );

       Function: UWPFrefTime
              /*  Set or return reference time from 'A' line of pickfile.  The
                  reference time is used for all timing quantities in the pickfile.
                  Normally, the seconds field of the reference time structure is
                  set to zero, since reference times are given only to the minute
                  in the pickfile.
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      time = structure containing reference time; struct Time
                          is defined in headers for the uwdfif package; NOTE that
                          only the year through minutes fields of Time are used
                          for the reference time
              int UWPFrefTime ( char func, struct Time *time );

       Function: UWPFrms
              /*  Set or return rms residual value from both 'A' line and 'E' line
                  of the pickfile; NOTE that the same value is set in both A and
                  E lines, but with one extra decimal point of precision in E line
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      rms = rms value as float var
              int UWPFrms ( char func, float *rms );

       Function: UWPFsortDist
              /*  Sort pick array into ascending distance order from current epicenter.
                  Returns TRUE if sort is successful.  If there is no current
                  epicenter, the return value is FALSE.  Routine can be called to
                  ensure that pickfile output will have picks listed in distance
                  order from epicenter.
              int UWPFsortDist ( void );

       Function: UWPFsortTime
              /*  Sort pick array into ascending arrival time order.  Pick type is
                  ignored in the sort.  Return TRUE if sort is successful.
              int UWPFsortTime ( void );

       Function: UWPFstartNewPickfile
              /*  Initialize for generating new pick file.  This function sets
                  up buffers so that a new pickfile may be initialized and written.
                  Must be called prior to setting any variables in the new pickfile.
              int UWPFstartNewPickfile ( void );

       Function: UWPFunknowns
              /*  Access lines that are unknown to the pickfile interface.
                  There can be an arbitrary number of these lines in the pickfile.
                  Access is provided in a non-standard manner; user must specify these
                  lines by the reference int "index", after finding out how many
                  of these lines currently exist.  The lines are returned as strings
                  in the users space.  Note that the entire line is returned as one
                  string, provide complete access to any of these lines.  As with the
                  comment strings, a line cannot be changed, only unset and a new line
                      func = function code (I, R, U, or A) (NONSTANDARD)
                          I - inquire (return) number of comment lines only in "index"
                          R - return pointer to comment line with index "*index"
                          U - unset (delete) comment line referenced by "*index"
                          A - add line pointed to by lineptr; note that new
                              number of unknown lines are returned in "index"
                      index = pointer to int used to return number of unknown lines
                          (I and A functions) and index specific line (R and U functions)
                      unknownlintstr = address of pointer used to return line specified by
              int UWPFunknowns (  char  func,  int  *index,  char
              *unknownlinestr );

       Function: UWPFunparseChanStr
               * Unparse the input channel structure back into channel string;
               * routine always puts channel string back into canonical form
               * TRUE is always returned; user can test if the resultant string
               * is empty if this is needed.
              int  UWPFunparseChanStr  (  struct  Chan chan, char
              *str_out );

       Function: UWPFwinEndTime
              /*  Provide access to end time on T line; returns TRUE if defined
                  Note that here we can use the 'R' flag to both inquire and return
                  value if set, at the same time
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      winEndTime = pointer to end time of window as Time struct
              int  UWPFwinEndTime  (  char  func,   struct   Time
              *winEndTime );

       Function: UWPFwinStartTime
              /*  Provide access to start time on T line; returns TRUE if defined
                  Note that here we can use the 'R' flag to both inquire and return
                  value if set, at the same time
                      func = function code (I, R, S, or U)
                      startTime = pointer to start time of window as Time struct
              int UWPFwinStartTime ( char func, struct Time *win-
              StartTime );

       Function: UWPFwr1evt
              /*  Write out one pickfile.  If non-null pickfile name is given,
                  then the results are written to that file which is opened
                  in write mode, written, and then closed.  If pickfile name
                  is null string, then the results are placed on standard output
                  stream.  Returns TRUE if successful.
                      pickfilename = name of file to write to (null string if
                          standard output)
              int UWPFwr1evt ( char *pickfilename );

       All applications using the interface  should  include  the
       "uwpfif.h"  header  to ensure proper declaration of needed
       structures and function prototypes.  A copy of this header
       file  is  given below, primarily for definitions of needed
       structures such as Chan, Mechanism, Pick, etc.

        * This header is to be used by applications using the uwpfif interface.
        * There are some structures defined here that are passed by external
        * access routines.

       #ifndef BOOL
       #define BOOL int

       #ifndef TRUE
       #define TRUE (1)

       #ifndef FALSE
       #define FALSE (0)

       #ifndef MAX
       #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

       #ifndef MIN
       #define MIN(a,b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))

        * Struct for full time; all routines should use this
       #ifndef TIME_DEFINED
       #define TIME_DEFINED
       struct Time {
           int yr, mon, day, hr, min;
           double sec;
       }; /* length of Time = 28 bytes */

        * Struct for trace data; specifies name, component,
        * and chan id in one structure
       struct Chan {
           char name[8]; /* station name; e.g., GMW, SHW, ... */
           char comp[8]; /* component string; e.g., SHZ, SHN, SHE, ... */
           char chid[8]; /* channel id string; e.g., 0, 1, ... (often not used) */

        * Struct for phase arrival time packet; this is needed by applications.
        *  The quantities have the following meaning (all character tokens are
        *  handled as strings)
        *     type = phase type; e.g., P, S, PmP, Pg, ...
        *     pol = polarity; U, D, +, -, ...
        *     time = arrival time in float seconds (relative to reference time)
        *     etime = uncertainty in time; used in location calcs, inversion, etc.
        *     res = residual (obs - calc); calculated in locations calcs, etc.
        *     dur = duration from phase; typically coda duration from P pick
        *     dist = distance of pick (station) from epicenter
        *     wt = string for traditional (USGS) wt flg (typically 0, 1, 2, ... 9)
        *     ietime = true if etime is initialized
        *     ires = TRUE if residual is initialized
        *     idur = TRUE if duration is initialized
        *     chan = complete channel id (name, comp, chid)
        *     pickon = TRUE if pick is turned on; set FALSE to deactivate pick
        *     machine_time = TRUE if time is machine picked
        *     machine_dur = TRUE if dur is machine picked
        *     amptime = time of amplitude pick (relative to reference time)
        *     ampvalue = amplitude value
        *     ampon = TRUE if amplitude is initialized
       struct Pick {
           char type[8];
           char pol[4];
           float time, etime, res, dur, dist;
           char wt[8];
           BOOL ietime, ires, idur;
           BOOL pickon, machine_time, machine_dur;
           struct Chan chan;
           float amptime, ampvalue;
           BOOL ampon;

        * Struct for 3 orthogonal axes of error ellipse info
       struct Ellipse {
           float azim[3], plunge[3], val[3];
           float maxherr, maxverr;

        * Struct for single pole info (for focal mech)
       struct pole {
           float az, pl;

        * Struct for one complete focal mech, UW style; az = azimuth, pl = plunge
       struct Mechanism {
           struct pole Fplane, Gplane, Upole, Vpole, Ppole, Tpole;
           BOOL Finit, Ginit, Uinit, Vinit, Pinit, Tinit;

        * Struct for one complete H card
       struct Hloc {
           int yy, mo, dd, hh, mi;
           float sec, lat, lon, dep, mag;

       #include "uwpfif_proto.h"


       Pickfile Interface: Bob Crosson, Geopysics  Program,  Uni-
       versity of Washington
       Pickfile  format  and  conventions:  numerous  folks  have

       Report bugs in pickfile interface to  bob@geophys.washing-
